The Engineering Process at TWI

The engineering process is the sequence of steps that engineers must follow to solve any issue. This includes the identification of an objective, determining constraints and creating, building and testing. This is a vital aspect of every project at TWI and assists us in ensuring that our projects meet high quality and safety standards. This is especially important for New York City projects as they must meet the strictest requirements.

During this phase students investigate the issue to better understand the challenge and gather data. It’s an open-ended, centered on the student approach that reorients the classroom away from the traditional science curriculum.

Students brainstorm ideas for solving the problem. This is done through discussions or writing on a whiteboard, or by using software. It’s fine if some ideas do not work. You can try different methods and experiment with them.

After studying and re-thinking the results, the team chooses the best option to design and construct. This can be done on paper, using CAD software or by creating a physical or virtual prototype. This is a great step for students, since they can create tangible prototypes that let them test their ideas.

Engineers have to be mindful because they are bound by limitations like time costs, tools, and resources. Engineers must also keep in mind that their solutions must be safe and effective so they can be used in the real world.

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